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Routing with Radix Trees§

This project includes an AsgiRouter class which can be used to construct a routing tree.

A routing tree can be constructed of a combination static paths and regex patterns.

Here's an example of some paths:

  • "/doc/"
  • "/doc/code_faq.html"
  • "/info/{user}"
  • "/info/{user}/project"
  • "/info/{user}/project/{project}"

In addition, a named regex pattern may be used:

  • "/regex/{name:[a-zA-Z]+}/test"
  • "/optional/{name:[a-zA-Z]+}/{word}/plus/"
  • "{uid:[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}}"

However, the following pattern will not match:

  • "/repos/{owner}/{repo}/{archive}_format/{ref}"

The reason is {archive}_format includes a greedy match {archive} which will match everything up to the following slash.

Constructing a Router§

An AsgiRouter is a collection of routes:

In [3]: from tokamak.router import AsgiRouter, Route

In [4]: async def some_handler(*args, **kwargs):
...        return "ok"

In [5]: router = AsgiRouter(routes=[
...        Route("/", handler=some_handler, methods=["GET"]),
... ])

Note: the handler can be any callable.

It's also possible to use the method add_route to add more routes:

In [6]: router.add_route(
...        Route("/files/{dir}/{filepath:*}", handler=some_handler, methods=["POST"])
... )

After that, we can search for a route:

In [7]: router.get_route("/files/home/sshconfig")
Out[7]: (<tokamak.router.Route at 0x11009f940>,
 {'dir': 'home', 'filepath': 'sshconfig'})

A matching path from a call to get_path will return a tuple of a Route and the matched context:

In [8]: route, context = router.get_route("/files/home/sshconfig")

In [9]: route.handler
Out[9]: <function __main__.some_handler(*args, **kwargs)>

In [11]: await route.handler()
Out[11]: 'ok'

In [12]: context
Out[12]: {'dir': 'home', 'filepath': 'sshconfig'}

Note: UnknownEndpoint will be returned for any route that doesn't match.

In [13]: router.get_route("/files/home/sshconfig/unknown")
UnknownEndpoint                           Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [13], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 router.get_route("/files/home/sshconfig/unknown")

File ~/open_source/tokamak/tokamak/, in AsgiRouter.get_route(self, path)
    133 route, context = self.tree.get_handler(path)
    134 if not route:
--> 135     raise UnknownEndpoint(f"Unknown path: {path}")
    136 return route, context

UnknownEndpoint: Unknown path: /files/home/sshconfig/unknown
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